Animgen Server

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Home >> SiGML Tools

Animgen Server

During development of the CWASA software, a CGI script was developed to call the freestanding Animgen application to convert SiGML to CAS, the format of animation data used by CWASA.

The CWASA development distribution includes web pages that exploit this server. Now that the Animgen software is embedded in the script for CWASA, there is little benefit in using this server.

The server can be driven by curl using a command such as:

   curl -s "" -F sigml=@mysigns.sigml

The parameters accepted are:

  • avatar: defaults to anna
  • fps: defaults to 25
  • htog: defaults to "false" (0)

The htog parameter controls conversion of H-SiGML, SiGML based on a sequence of HamNoSys tokens, to G-SiGML, SiGML ready for animation using Animgen. The Node tool sigtool is used to perform the conversion. This phase is omitted by default.

The original implementation used Java code to convert SiGML with a script named If the script is used, a web page is returned documenting the processing performed.

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